Saturday, September 29, 2007

What fools these mortals be!

"Every soul will taste of death....The Life of this world is but comfort of illusion (3:185)." Humans are the visitors in this worldly life for a trial from which Allah would decide on the Day of Judgment whether they deserve paradise or hell. If virtue and righteousness prevail upon one's vices and sins as a whole, then as per Allah's promise heaven is their true destination after death or hell as vice versa. But, in today's world of science and technology, this structure of flesh and bones has learnt to change the direction of wind and tides of sea. The economic boom has changed the life style of the humanity; charm and comfort of life have become an absolute essentiality for the humankind, who cannot dare to survive without such luxuries. Hence, these mortal bodies have addicted to worldly cravings and forgotten the reality that they have to return to their real abode after death. This temporary indulgence has made humans more coward and fearful of death that even knowing it one behaves as to live here perpetually. Proud of tin-pot achievements and vanity of decadent possessions have become a symbol of status for a venal life. Here, respect is not for the one with high moral values but for the symbols of prestige and rank. The life has become a machine devoid of compassion, humility, simplicity, and consciousness for the life after death. These irrationalities of the humanity make one sensible being to say that "what fools these mortals be!"

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