Saturday, September 29, 2007

Frailty Thy Name is Woman


Woman, a mother, whose love is sewn with the finest thread of paradise. A sister, whose tears would pause the toughest heart of a brother. And being a daughter, she saves the parents from the ashes of fire. The companion of man's life; a wife, without this precious wealth the richest of the rich would be in destitution. In short, once a wise one said: behind the success of every man, there is a woman. Nevertheless, this symbol of affection, emotion, compassion, and kindness is more delicate than the petals of a rose. Ocean of tears would sink her eyes, with a prick of the finger of her child. Her heart pains with a glimpse of her brother's ache. Almighty has assured paradise for parents who support this fragile being and husbands are enjoined to be the guardian of their family life; however, still she is the victim of man's prejudice. He made every effort to subdue her in every aspect of life; limiting her freedom under the shackles of custom, tradition, religious extremism. She has become a commodity, an experiment, a junk and a punching-bag. The dwellers of hell would exchange her under the customs of Vani or Swara and the companions of Satan would sell her for the sake of few coins. No one pays heed the abuse that is being done on her indeed and this innocent creature has become an object of retribution by the enemies of her siblings. She is all alone in this man-made world. Honestly, frailty thy name is women.

No senible man ever made an apology

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure"- Henry de Bracton. Humans are in possession of an invaluable gift of God; the brain, through which sagacity as well as the foolishness is the practical manifestation of being properly utilizing it or not. It is true that one learns from own mistakes. But it is also true that experience and advice of the wise ones could be employed, in order to avoid any blunder that renders someone to be humiliated or to be apologetic with others. History is full of such gross negligence of the leaders, who in the hubris of their empire or conceited with the golden rolls of their heredity, were deliberately ignorant of the sensibility of human mind. Hitler was engrossed with the lust for a vast empire and the politburo of USSR had to eat a humble pie at the end of cold war; in both of these cases, the leaders were senseless to contemplate upon the feelings of others, not in consent with their own ideology and thus the results were the suicide by Hitler and the break-up of Soviet Union. As you sow so shall you reap: this wise saying should be in consideration before one does or intends to carry out any act, otherwise, the result could be contrary to the expectations. It is prudence that should be the core value of thinking and based upon this principle, any unwelcome outcome could be avoided with high probability; otherwise, chances of regret would be definite for wrong decisions. Therefore, sensibility and prudence save one from repentance, remorse, and worst of all, an apology for wrong decisions.

What fools these mortals be!

"Every soul will taste of death....The Life of this world is but comfort of illusion (3:185)." Humans are the visitors in this worldly life for a trial from which Allah would decide on the Day of Judgment whether they deserve paradise or hell. If virtue and righteousness prevail upon one's vices and sins as a whole, then as per Allah's promise heaven is their true destination after death or hell as vice versa. But, in today's world of science and technology, this structure of flesh and bones has learnt to change the direction of wind and tides of sea. The economic boom has changed the life style of the humanity; charm and comfort of life have become an absolute essentiality for the humankind, who cannot dare to survive without such luxuries. Hence, these mortal bodies have addicted to worldly cravings and forgotten the reality that they have to return to their real abode after death. This temporary indulgence has made humans more coward and fearful of death that even knowing it one behaves as to live here perpetually. Proud of tin-pot achievements and vanity of decadent possessions have become a symbol of status for a venal life. Here, respect is not for the one with high moral values but for the symbols of prestige and rank. The life has become a machine devoid of compassion, humility, simplicity, and consciousness for the life after death. These irrationalities of the humanity make one sensible being to say that "what fools these mortals be!"

Goodwill is earned by many acts: it can be lost by one.

A bad fish could spoil the whole pond. In the same way; any inappropriate act could devastate the whole foundation of a relationship, a business, an honor, or a reputation. A broken glass could be joined together but it is impossible to make it seamless. Before the customers, years of hard work and fame of a business would bite the dust by one of its dishonorable act. Paragons of friendship and love would crunch with a single act of suspicion. And a symbol of honor and esteem would be blackened with one impudent exposure. This natural law is the part and parcel of our elite corporate business ethos and of a successful democracy. None of the rolls of excellence would be of any use for a high-up of an enterprise if that person commits a serious unlawful undertaking or does an immoral act. Similar is the case with genuine democracy; the highest of the judiciary, executive, or the legislative -whatever may be their goodwill and reputation – would have to eat a humble pie with any of their misdeed; the masses will forget the history of good-work upon a single unacceptable and serious error of the top-brass. To be always prudent in one's actions and expressions and be honest in intentions and expectations are the core requirements for an everlasting and stable impression upon the people. There is no doubt that to err is human but it is also true that human beings are the vicegerent of Allah, Who has provided for all the guidance and ways for a successful and honorable life in this world i.e. in the form of Qur'an and the practical life of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Without fully compliant with Qur'anic injunctions, a goodwill which is earned by many acts can be lost by one error.

A Pen becomes a clarion

"Read: And thy lord is the Most Bounteous; Who teacheth by the pen (96:3-4)." Allah has given humankind the most precious and powerful gift Pen. It is the pen through which one could spread the pearls of knowledge and wisdom into the barren land of obliviousness. A murderer cannot be executed without its authority or an evidence for justice cannot be provided without its help. The cog of bureaucracy would jam and the voice of democracy would mute without its inkling. To challenge the tyranny and oppression of the despots and to put to dust the hubris of the emperors are its pluck. Destiny and misery of people could be change only through revolutions, which are not possible without its courage. All the wise and learned of this world are nothing without its company and for them it is the matter of life and death; they would repudiate the luxuries and treasures of life but not the friendship of the pen. Were it not be with the humanity then there would be no difference between an animal and a human being – the vicegerent of Allah. Barbarism and rule of jungle would be the utmost law and the weak would be freely exploited by the powerful. Humanity would know nothing about science and technology, ultimately the existence of life would be in ghettos. Therefore, it is pen that differentiates the humanity from the beasts and it is only the pen from which sprouts the streams of wisdom, justice, honor, love, respect, knowledge, prosperity. And last but not the least is the voice of people which is the soul of democracy. Thus it is rightly said that "a pen becomes a clarion."

Where ignorance is bliss, it is folly to be wise

It is human nature that it craves for happiness, freedom and relaxation. There is no doubt that humans are sent in this world to bear the sufferings of the mistake carried out by their ancestors in paradise; Adam and Eve's blunder against Allah's command. So in this world, the mankind is for living a life full of worries, which start from the birth with a cry for food and end at the last breath with a fear of death. Thus, the reason to be in this world is to bear anxieties, frustrations and fears. Now the question is if there is no way out of tensions then how to live in the world? The answer would be clear by a simple logic that a child is unaware of the threat of the weapons of mass destruction or an inevitable death. The baby lives in a careless and fearless world, which is full of joy and liveliness. This world of neglect is the real cause of an everlasting happiness of the kid. Therefore, it is the ignorance, which saves the children from high blood pressure, heart attack, depression and so on. To neglect certain realities that have nothing to do with our daily life is necessary. Such matters which have no immediate bearings upon our daily routine should be ignored. Pondering over such problems would be out of our scope. There are thousands of moments of joys are lying in front of us; the need is to realize them and accept the reality that where ignorance is bliss, it is folly to be wise.

It is human nature that it craves for happiness, freedom and relaxation. There is no doubt that humans are sent in this world to bear the sufferings of the mistake carried out by their ancestors in paradise; Adam and Eve's blunder against Allah's command. So in this world, the mankind is for living a life full of worries, which start from the birth with a cry for food and end at the last breath with a fear of death. Thus, the reason to be in this world is to bear anxieties, frustrations and fears. Now the question is if there is no way out of tensions then how to live in the world? The answer would be clear by a simple logic that a child is unaware of the threat of the weapons of mass destruction or an inevitable death. The baby lives in a careless and fearless world, which is full of joy and liveliness. This world of neglect is the real cause of an everlasting happiness of the kid. Therefore, it is the ignorance, which saves the children from high blood pressure, heart attack, depression and so on. To neglect certain realities that have nothing to do with our daily life is necessary. Such matters which have no immediate bearings upon our daily routine should be ignored. Pondering over such problems would be out of our scope. There are thousands of moments of joys are lying in front of us; the need is to realize them and accept the reality that where ignorance is bliss, it is folly to be wise.

Charms strike the sight but merit wins the soul

Many people think from their eyes and do not bother to use their gray matter. This is very common observation that a well-dressed person is highly regarded by masses as compare to a modestly wearing person. The reason merely is the charm of sight and the impression of status that paralyzes the ability of judgment. With this irresponsible behavior, injustice is done with the meritorious ones. It has become a norm of today's world; business firms are specially training their employees to make themselves up effectively in order to impress the customers. Such measures greatly improve the sale of product. Leaving aside some reputed organizations, some enterprises are deceiving people in disguise. The truth, later on, dawns upon the purchaser that the product is not up to the mark. However, contrary to this phenomenon, a well-recognized and quality product does not need such flattering tricks. The quality and merit of the product speaks volumes of its utility for the customers. Whether the salesperson is sitting on the footpath or the product is enveloped in an ordinary pack, the pervious satisfaction of the customer would not bother to see the charm; purchasers would only judge the satisfactory response of the product that they had previously. Therefore, new products which are defective in their merits but attractive in their packaging would never be able to win the soul of the customers upon the product having some merit in its quality. Hence, charms strike the sight but merit wins the soul.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The State of Women Rights in Pakistan




(I) What actually are women rights?

(II)How are women rights violated?

  • Discriminatory Laws
  • Heinous Customs
  • Violence and Exploitations
  • Deplorable Level of Health and Education

(III)Is there any positive side of Women Rights in Pakistan?

(IV) What efforts have been made for ensuring Women Rights?

  • Different Commissions on Women Rights and Their Reports
  • Laws on Protection of Women Rights
  • NGOs working for Women Rights




without heading:

The State of Women Rights in Pakistan

by Aamir Ali Shah

Constitution of Pakistan guarantees the rights of women and do not discriminate in any sphere of life. The basis of Pakistani constitution is Islam; a religion that has secured the rights of women fourteen hundred years ago.

In Pakistan; Mukhtaran Mai, Dr. Shazia and various other women have been raised internationally because of the corrupt character of our moth eaten justice, social and political system. In order to avail political power, dictators like General Zia-ul-Haq tried to placate the fundamentalist Mullahs by launching Hudood Ordinance. The society is silent over social customs like Karo-Kari, Vaani, Swara and several other atrocities of the retrogressive people. Finally, the last hope, the justice system, is itself a victim of political interference.

Let us see why women rights are being denied and exploited in Pakistan, but before that, make it clear what are women's universal rights. In Article 25(1) of the 1973 Constitution of Pakistan it is stated, "All citizens are equal before law and are entitled to equal protection of law." Article 25(2) states, "There shall be no discrimination on the basis of sex alone."

Islam guarantees an adult woman to marry according to her will. Even parents cannot force her to marry against her choice. Moreover, no person including parents, husband, in-laws have the right to judge and decide the fate of women accused of being guilty of any crime. Courts are there in a civilized society to decide what is right what is wrong.

In addition to constitutional guarantee, 98% percent Muslims of Pakistan are morally binding as believer of Islam to fight evil and injustice, i.e., Amar Bil-Maroof Wanahi anil- Mankar. In this regard, they are binding upon at least to voice their concern as a Muslim who cannot tolerate evils of gross injustices going on women.

Despite the universal protection of Islam and the rights given by the constitution of Pakistan, women are being abused by some atrocious elements of our society.

Politics in Pakistan is a game of holding power and doing everything whether right or wrong in order to secure that power. Women have been a victim of such a political game. General Zia-ul-Haq, after clinching power from Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, enacted "Hudood Ordinances". Zia gave the impression to Islamize the country; however, the hidden truth was to prolong his tenure by making the religious extremist happy. Still the women are being crushed under the barbarity of Hudood Ordinances.

If a woman is raped, one of the conditions of the law requires that woman must provide for four pious Muslim witnesses for seeing the crime. Let for a moment condone that part of the law. But, the worst cruelty of the law is that in case of failing to provide witnesses, the rape victim will be charged of fornication; the punishment for which is stoning to death.

One of the examples from innumerous cases is that of an incidence of stoning to death to a blind girl in 1980s. Her only mistake was to report that she was raped. But, unable to provide for the four pious Muslim cum male witnesses, she was charged of adultery. Consequently, in this Islamic Republic of Pakistan, an innocent was stoned to death.

Does the above case conform to the right and protection given by the constitution of Pakistan? Does Islam allow injustice of such an inhuman nature? The answer is no, but, such atrocities are being done under the name of Islamic injunctions; however, the concealed fact is that of a political nature. The society was silent when the Hudood Ordinance was enacted, and it is still heedless of the barbarisms from some of its own sections of people.

Karo-Kari is one of those customs related to fornication. A Kari is a woman who is alleged to have extramarital relations with a man called Karo. In a typical Birdari and caste system of our society, especially in rural areas, if a woman marries with her choice outside of her family relation -- a crime of violating the Biradari unwritten rule – then she is alleged to have committed adultery. The whole Biradari becomes willing to kill both of the husband and the wife under the pretext of Karo-Kari.

Even the dead body of the innocent woman is not given her due right of burying. She is interred in an isolated and far-flung place without religious rituals. In contrast, the Karo is given the right to be buried with religious rituals.

Moreover, husband, in-laws, and their relatives also victimize the woman with allegation of fornication. In fact, the reason is their personal grievances and enmity for not bringing enough dowry or not following the orders of in-laws. She could be killed any time by her husband or any of his relatives under the pretext of Karo-Kari custom.

Not only the adult woman but also baby girls of even months old are not spared from the clutches of retrogressive customs. Swara and Vaani are such kind of heinous crimes that are deeply upheld by the stone-age minded people.

In both of the customs, the minor girls are given as compensation for the wrongdoings perpetrated by one of the members of the culprit family on the aggrieved one. The village's cult of goons called "Punchayat" leaded by elders of village, fundamentalist Mullahs, including any of our graduate MPA participate in such Punchayats.

Many girls given under Vaani or Swara to the aggrieved family refused to marry there after attaining adult age. CJ of the Supreme Court of Pakistan have taken suo motu action in this regard. Furthermore, girls as young as ten years of age are married with 60 years old man under such customs.

The data collected by Human Rights Commission of Pakistan reveals, "A woman is raped after every two hours and gang-raped after every eight hour. For honor killing, commission's report says that in 2006, 565 women have been killed under Karo-Kari. Police do not take seriously the crime of honor killings; as in 2005, there were 475 such cases, and police was able to catch only 128 accused.

According to a report presented by the Interior Ministry, there have been 4100 honor killings since 2001. The report also criticizes that under 'Qisas and Diyat" law, the killer could easily be forgiven after paying compensation for the blood of the dead.

The village Punchayat is so lowest in its scruples that sometimes it orders to rape the women of the culprit family as revenge. Mukhtaran Mai is one of such victim who had been gang-raped because her brother was guilty of some wrong for which she was punished to be gang-raped. The law enforcement agencies denied her "right to register an FIR" because the criminals were influential.

Sometimes women are stripped and forced to walk naked in the village for any crime of their family members. If she denies marrying with a family relative or raises her voice against her in-laws then she is subjected to mutilation of her body by acid-throwing. For whatever reasons, her husband could brutally beat her any time under any pretext. Most of the time, she was beaten and even killed for not having a male baby child.

Women are also exploited for the only reason of being a woman. With a high workload from dawn to dusk, she was paid far less than what males get doing less work. Moreover, in our male dominant society, molestation and sometimes attack on her piety during job are frequent incidents. If she reports such crimes then as a punishment, she is rusticated from her job. Therefore, most of the crimes against her remain unreported.

The traders of human flesh exploit her misery. Taking advantage of her penury, they force some of the women on prostitution. Trafficking of women is also a lucrative business for human traffickers. Such women after going abroad work as domestic slaves under extremely inhuman conditions or they are kept in brothels for the shameful business.

Report by an NGO, the Lawyers for Human Rights and Legal Aid (LHRLA) says that in 2006, there were 7,564 cases of violence against women; 1,993 cases of torture; 1,271 women were kidnapped; 822 women committed suicide; 259 were gang raped; 119 were trafficked; 144 booked under the Hudood Ordinances; and 792 were killed in the name of honor. The above data are based on reported cases; and because of unreported abuses, the actual crime rate is far more than what is reported.

Furthermore, most of the women have no choice of theirs in deciding the number of babies to have. Family planning is seen in a typical conservative society as against Islam. In case of any medical emergency, when no female doctor available for her help, the orthodox relatives allow her to die rather than to be provided aid by a male doctor. Thousands of woman die per annum for not having female doctors in medical facilities.

Being a female, cult of the fundamentalists mostly in tribal and rural areas does not allow her to get education. They say it is a western intrigue to make their women liberal. With the advent of Talibanization, the girls' schools are openly threatened to close their centers else, their educational premises would be blasted. Such news in North Western part of Pakistan has become common today and several girls schools have been devastated by such crimes.

With all such atrocities on majority of women, there is some ray of hope for having a section of women fully utilizing constitutional and religious rights. Such women are participating in the development and progress of Pakistan; while fully observing the Islamic behavior and conduct, they are working along with men in almost all the spheres of life. They are in military, economy, health, politics, police, foreign services, law, parliament and in fact every place where it was impossible to think of their presence few decades ago.

Recently, PAF (Pakistan Air Force) inducted in its services female pilots as commissioned officers. For the first time in the history of Pakistan, a female, Shamshad Akhtar, has been appointed as Governor State Bank of Pakistan. In foreign services, Tasneem Akhtar is carrying out her duties diligently as foreign office spokesperson. Besides, her Excellence, Dr. Maliha Lodhi, is working as an ambassador of Pakistan in UK.

Asma Jahangir, the chairperson of the Human Rights Commissions of Pakistan, is famous for her brave efforts for relieving the victims of Human Rights abuses in Pakistan At lower level, women are running their own business as entrepreneurs; working in petrol pumps, restaurants, and coaches; participating in politics. In fact, there is a long list of women who are active and no less than their male contemporaries are.

There are 234 women legislators sitting in our assemblies; 18 in Senate; 73 in National Assembly; and 143 in Provincial assemblies. This is one of the first times in Pakistan's history that women are given greater role to play in legislation. Several women are working in cabinet as ministers in various government divisions. In Local Government system, thousands of women are elected as councilors, mayors, deputy mayors. Nasreen Jalil, is Deputy mayor of CDGK (City District Government Karachi).

Still, the number of women enjoying some of their rights is below optimum. For the majority, it is a distant dream to decide for their own choice of life partner; and it is a luxury for most of the women to avail medical facilities for delivering a baby. However, efforts are being made both from the government and non-government sides to make better the plight of the persecuted women.

After Independence, the first Commission on the Emancipation of Women was formed in 1955; the commission presented its report in 1961, but the government diluted several of its recommendations. However, in the same year, president Ayub Khan promulgated "Family Law Ordinance" that gave not much but little relief to the women.

In 1975, Pakistan Women Rights Committee was formed which presented its report in 1976 without having any effect upon the power holders. Similarly, in 1981, Pakistan Commission on the Status of Women was founded that submitted its findings in 1985. However, the report was thrown into the dustbin due to Zia's passion for implementing his own version of Islamization.

After nine years, the "Commission of Inquiry for Women" was formed in 1994. The commission presented its report in August 1997, but it has gone to the same fate as the previous commissions' reports.

The National Commission on Status of Women formed (NCSW) came into being in September 2000. The purpose was to advise the government for eradicating laws discriminatory to women. The commission provided its detailed report in 2003. The report presented a thorough and critical review of 1979 Hudood Ordinances and concluded that these laws are being used to abuse women; thus, it asked for their annulment.

The power of the NCSW is restricted to only for recommendations. Moreover, it has been devoid of chairperson for several months. The effectiveness of the commission cannot be enhanced unless it gets independent in its working. India has a commission of similar nature but it is quite powerful in questioning and calling any senior government official. Therefore, it should be made equal on such footing as that of Indian commission.

In 1996, Pakistan internationally ratified Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). The law requires the government to take strict measures against any abuse that hinders women rights for freedom, equality, and justice. The law is good in its part for binding the country in protecting rights of the women.

November 2006 is important in relieving women some of the atrocities of Hudood Ordinances. Parliament passed "Protection of Women Rights Bill (Criminal Laws Amendments)"; the bill is an attempt to secure the women from misuse of Zina and Qazf laws under Hudood Ordiances enacted by Zia in 1979.

Religious fundamentalists as usual opposed the passage of the bill and leader of opposition Maulana Fazl-ur-Rehman said that the bill is "to turn Pakistan into a free-sex zone". They criticized the Bill to be against Qur'an and Sunnah.

So much noise by religious bigots over rights of women is a norm in our society. The only purpose of such billows is to gain political marks. In fact, the Bill do not require a woman to be punished - as the case under Hudood Ordiance 1979 - if she fails to provide for 4 pious males like our religious fundamentalists. Moreover, the bill requires the intervention of the session court in case the families pardon the culprits of rape or killing by settling the dispute outside the court under Qazf. Moreover, the bill made the offences under Hudood Ordinances to be taken under Pakistan Penal Code (PPC) that gives the right to have bail which 1979 Hudood Ordinance negated.

The government presented another bill on women rights "Prevention of anti-Women Practices Bill 2006 (Criminal Law Amendment) in December 2006. The bill contains the proposal of nine-member Ulema panel to relieve women from some of the malpractices. Under Section 310A, the bill prohibits handover of women for settling a dispute between groups, either under marriage or as Vaani, Swara. Any violation of the Bill carries three-year prison term and fine.

The second bill on women rights also protects the women from depriving of the inheritance in property, violation of which carries seven-year imprisonment under Section 498A; force marriage is regarded as punishable with three-year imprisonment and fine under Section 498B; Section 498C prohibits marriage with the Quran, those involving such practice are punishable with three-year imprisonment.

Women Action Forum was formed in Karachi in September 1981 in order to voice against brutalities of Hudood Ordinances. Behind its formation, there was a case in which a fifteen year old woman was sentenced to flogging because of marrying of her choice. Since then the forum took out many demonstrations and public awareness campaigns for eliminating the abuse of women rights in Pakistan. The forum has expanded its activities in major cities of Pakistan.

Aurat Foundation formed in 1986 is working enthusiastically for the rights of women. The head office is located in Islamabad. The organization has its own information and publication department that apprise the people the true realities women facing in Pakistan.

Given these facts, the Women in Pakistan do not possess their due rights guaranteed by the Constitution and Laws. The state is unable to protect the women from inhuman social customs prevalent in our society. The general population is mum over wicked practices being carried out on women; there is a great need of their voice against anti-women practices rather than forming laws over laws. The only need is to wake people of Pakistan for the Protection of Women Rights.


with headings:

The State of Women Rights in Pakistan

by Aamir Ali Shah


Constitution of Pakistan guarantees the rights of women and do not discriminate in any sphere of life. The basis of Pakistani constitution is Islam; a religion that has secured the rights of women fourteen hundred years ago.

In Pakistan; Mukhtaran Mai, Dr. Shazia and various other women have been raised internationally because of the corrupt character of our moth eaten justice, social and political system. In order to avail political power, dictators like General Zia-ul-Haq tried to placate the fundamentalist Mullahs by launching Hudood Ordinance. The society is silent over social customs like Karo-Kari, Vaani, Swara and several other atrocities of the retrogressive people. Finally, the last hope, the justice system, is itself a victim of political interference.

(I) What are women rights?

Let us see why women rights are being denied and exploited in Pakistan, but before that, make it clear what are women's universal rights. In Article 25(1) of the 1973 Constitution of Pakistan it is stated, "All citizens are equal before law and are entitled to equal protection of law." Article 25(2) states, "There shall be no discrimination on the basis of sex alone."

Islam guarantees an adult woman to marry according to her will. Even parents cannot force her to marry against her choice. Moreover, no person including parents, husband, in-laws have the right to judge and decide the fate of women accused of being guilty of any crime. Courts are there in a civilized society to decide what is right what is wrong.

In addition to constitutional guarantee, 98% percent Muslims of Pakistan are morally binding as believer of Islam to fight evil and injustice, i.e., Amar Bil-Maroof Wanahi-o- Mankar. In this regard, they are binding upon at least to voice their concern as a Muslim who cannot tolerate evils of gross injustices going on women.

(II) How are women rights violated?

Despite the universal protection of Islam and the rights given by the constitution of Pakistan, women are the being abused by some atrocious elements of our society.

a. Discriminatory Laws

Politics in Pakistan is a game of holding power and doing everything whether right or wrong in order to secure that power. Women have been a victim of such a political game. General Zia-ul-Haq, after clinching power from Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, enacted "Hudood Ordinances". Zia gave the impression to Islamize the country; however, the hidden truth was to prolong his tenure by making the religious extremist happy. Still the women are being crushed under the barbarity of Hudood Ordinances.

If a woman is raped, one of the conditions of the law requires that woman must provide for four pious Muslim witnesses for seeing the crime. Let for a moment condone that part of the law. But, the worst cruelty of the law is that in case of failing to provide witnesses, the rape victim will be charged of fornication; the punishment for which is stoning to death.

One of the examples from innumerous cases is that of an incidence of stoning to death to a blind girl in 1980s. Her only mistake was to report that she was raped. But, unable to provide for the four pious Muslim cum male witnesses, she was charged of adultery. Consequently, in this Islamic Republic of Pakistan, an innocent was stoned to death.

Does the above case conform to the right and protection given by the constitution of Pakistan? Does Islam allow injustice of such an inhuman nature? The answer is no, but, such atrocities are being done under the name of Islamic injunctions; however, the concealed fact is that of a political nature. The society was silent when the Hudood Ordinance was enacted, and it is still heedless of the barbarisms from some of its own sections of people.

b. Heinous Customs

Karo-Kari is one of those customs related to fornication. A Kari is a woman who is alleged to have extramarital relations with a man called Karo. In a typical Birdari and caste system of our society, especially in rural areas, if a woman marries with her choice outside of her family relation -- a crime of violating the Biradari unwritten rule – then she is alleged to have committed adultery. The whole Biradari becomes willing to kill both of the husband and the wife under the pretext of Karo-Kari.

Even the dead body of the innocent woman is not given her due right of burying. She is interred in an isolated and far-flung place without religious rituals. In contrast, the Karo is given the right to be buried with religious rituals.

Moreover, husband, in-laws, and their relatives also victimize the woman with allegation of fornication. In fact, the reason is their personal grievances and enmity for not bringing enough dowry or not following the orders of in-laws. She could be killed any time by her husband or any of his relatives under the pretext of Karo-Kari custom.

Not only the adult woman but also baby girls of even months old are not spared from the clutches of retrogressive customs. Swara and Vaani are such kind of heinous crimes that are deeply upheld by the stone-age minded people.

In both of the customs, the minor girls are given as compensation for the wrongdoings perpetrated by one of the members of the culprit family on the aggrieved one. The village's cult of goons called "Punchayat" leaded by elders of village, fundamentalist Mullahs, including any of our graduate MPA participate in such Punchayats.

Many girls given under Vaani or Swara to the aggrieved family refused to marry there after attaining adult age. CJ of the Supreme Court of Pakistan have taken suo motu action in this regard. Furthermore, girls as young as ten years of age are married with 60 years old man under such customs.

The data collected by Human Rights Commission of Pakistan reveals, "A woman is raped after every two hours and gang-raped after every eight hour. For honor killing, commission's report says that in 2006, 565 women have been killed under Karo-Kari. Police do not take seriously the crime of honor killings; as in 2005, there were 475 such cases, and police was able to catch only 128 accused.

According to a report presented by the Interior Ministry, there have been 4100 honor killings since 2001. The report also criticizes that under 'Qisas and Diyat" law, the killer could easily be forgiven after paying compensation for the blood of the dead.

c. Violence and Exploitations

The village Punchayat is so lowest in its scruples that sometimes it orders to rape the women of the culprit family as revenge. Mukhtaran Mai is one of such victim who had been gang-raped because her brother was guilty of some wrong for which she was punished to be gang-raped. The law enforcement agencies denied her "right to register an FIR" because the criminals were influentials.

Sometimes women are stripped and forced to walk naked in the village for any crime of their family members. If she denies marrying with a family relative or raising her voice against her in-laws then she is subjected to mutilation of her body by acid-throwing. For whatever reasons, her husband could brutally beat her any time under any pretext. Most of the time, she was beaten and even killed for not having a male baby child.

Women are also exploited for the only reason of being a woman. With a high workload from dawn to dusk, she was paid far less than what males get doing less work. Moreover, in our male dominant society, molestation and sometimes attack on her piety during job are frequent incidents. If she reports such crimes then as a punishment, she is rusticated from her job. Therefore, most of the crimes against her remain unreported.

The traders of human flesh exploit her misery. Taking advantage of her penury, they force some of the women on prostitution. Trafficking of women is also a lucrative business for human traffickers. Such women after going abroad work as domestic slaves under extremely inhuman conditions or they are kept in brothels for the shameful business.

Report by an NGO, the Lawyers for Human Rights and Legal Aid (LHRLA) says that in 2006, there were 7,564 cases of violence against women; 1,993 cases of torture; 1,271 women were kidnapped; 822 women committed suicide; 259 were gang raped; 119 were trafficked; 144 booked under the Hudood Ordinances; and 792 were killed in the name of honor. The above data are based on reported cases; and because of unreported abuses, the actual crime rate is far more than what is reported.

d. Deplorable Level of Health and Education

Furthermore, most of the women have no choice of theirs in deciding the number of babies to have. Family planning is seen in a typical conservative society as against Islam. In case of any medical emergency, when no female doctor available for her help, the orthodox relatives allow her to die rather than to be provided aid by a male doctor. Thousands of woman die per annum for not having female doctors in medical facilities.

Being a female, cult of the fundamentalists mostly in tribal and rural areas does not allow her to get education. They say it is a western intrigue to make their women liberal. With the advent of Talibanization, the girls' schools are openly threatened to close their centers else, their educational premises would be blasted. Such news in North Western part of Pakistan has become common today and several girls schools have been devastated by such crimes

(III) Is there any positive side of Women rights in Pakistan?

With all such atrocities on majority of women, there is some ray of hope for having a section of women fully utilizing constitutional and religious rights. Such women are participating in the development and progress of Pakistan; while fully observing the Islamic behavior and conduct, they are working along with men in almost all the spheres of life. They are in military, economy, health, politics, police, foreign services, law, parliament and in fact every place where it was impossible to think of their presence few decades ago.

Recently, PAF (Pakistan Air Force) inducted in its services female pilots as commissioned officers. For the first time in the history of Pakistan, a female, Shamshad Akhtar, has been appointed as Governor State Bank of Pakistan. In foreign services, Tasneem Akhtar is carrying out her duties diligently as foreign office spokesperson. Besides, her Excellence, Dr. Maliha Lodhi, is working as an ambassador of Pakistan in UK.

Asma Jahangir, the chairperson of the Human Rights Commissions of Pakistan, is famous for her brave efforts for relieving the victims of Human Rights abuses in Pakistan At lower level, women are running their own business as entrepreneurs; working in petrol pumps, restaurants, and coaches; participating in politics. In fact, there is a long list of women who are active and no less than their male contemporaries are.

There are 234 women legislators sitting in our assemblies; 18 in Senate; 73 in National Assembly; and 143 in Provincial assemblies. This is one of the first times in Pakistan's history that women are given greater role to play in legislation. Several women are working in cabinet as ministers in various government divisions. In Local Government system, thousands of women are elected as councilors, mayors, deputy mayors. Nasreen Jalil, is Deputy mayor of CDGK (City District Government Karachi).

(IV) What efforts have been made for ensuring women rights?

Still, the number of women enjoying some of their rights is below optimum. For the majority, it is a distant dream to decide for their own choice of life partner; and it is a luxury for most of the women to avail medical facilities for delivering a baby. However, efforts are being made both from the government and non-government sides to make better the plight of the persecuted women.

a. Different commissions on women and their reports
After Independence, the first Commission on the Emancipation of Women was formed in 1955; the commission presented its report in 1961, but the government diluted several of its recommendations. However, in the same year, president Ayub Khan promulgated "Family Law Ordinance" that gave not much but little relief to the women.

In 1975, Pakistan Women Rights Committee was formed which presented its report in 1976 without having any effect upon the power holders. Similarly, in 1981, Pakistan Commission on the Status of Women was founded that submitted its findings in 1985. However, the report was thrown into the dustbin due to Zia's passion for implementing his own version of Islamization.

After nine years, the "Commission of Inquiry for Women" was formed in 1994. The commission presented its report in August 1997, but it has gone to the same fate as the previous commissions' reports.

The National Commission on Status of Women formed (NCSW) came into being in September 2000. The purpose was to advise the government for eradicating laws discriminatory to women. The commission provided its detailed report in 2003. The report presented a thorough and critical review of 1979 Hudood Ordinances and concluded that these laws are being used to abuse women; thus, it asked for their annulment.

The power of the NCSW is restricted to only for recommendations. Moreover, it has been devoid of chairperson for several months. The effectiveness of the commission cannot be enhanced unless it gets independent in its working. India has a commission of similar nature but it is quite powerful in questioning and calling any senior government official. Therefore, it should be made equal on such footing as that of Indian commission.

b. Laws on protection of women rights

In 1996, Pakistan internationally ratified Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). The law requires the government to take strict measures against any abuse that hinders women rights for freedom, equality, and justice. The law is good in its part for binding the country in protecting rights of the women.

November 2006 is important in relieving women some of the atrocities of Hudood Ordinances. Parliament passed "Protection of Women Rights Bill (Criminal Laws Amendments)"; the bill is an attempt to secure the women from misuse of Zina and Qazf laws under Hudood Ordiances enacted by Zia in 1979.

Religious fundamentalists as usual opposed the passage of the bill and leader of opposition Maulana Fazl-ur-Rehman said that the bill is "to turn Pakistan into a free-sex zone". They criticized the Bill to be against Qur'an and Sunnah.

So much noise by religious bigots over rights of women is a norm in our society. The only purpose of such billows is to gain political marks. In fact, the Bill do not require a woman to be punished - as the case under Hudood Ordiance 1979 - if she fails to provide for 4 pious males like our religious fundamentalists. Moreover, the bill requires the intervention of the session court in case the families pardon the culprits of rape or killing by settling the dispute outside the court under Qazf. Moreover, the bill made the offences under Hudood Ordinances to be taken under Pakistan Penal Code (PPC) that gives the right to have bail which 1979 Hudood Ordinance negated.

The government presented another bill on women rights "Prevention of anti-Women Practices Bill 2006 (Criminal Law Amendment) in December 2006. The bill contains the proposal of nine-member Ulema panel to relieve women from some of the malpractices. Under Section 310A, the bill prohibits handover of women for settling a dispute between groups, either under marriage or as Vaani, Swara. Any violation of the Bill carries three-year prison term and fine.

The second bill on women rights also protects the women from depriving of the inheritance in property, violation of which carries seven-year imprisonment under Section 498A; force marriage is regarded as punishable with three-year imprisonment and fine under Section 498B; Section 498C prohibits marriage with the Quran, those involving such practice are punishable with three-year imprisonment.

c. NGOs working for Women Rights

Women Action Forum was formed in Karachi in September 1981 in order to voice against brutalities of Hudood Ordinances. Behind its formation, there was a case in which a fifteen year old woman was sentenced to flogging because of marrying of her choice. Since then the forum took out many demonstrations and public awareness campaigns for eliminating the abuse of women rights in Pakistan. The forum has expanded its activities in major cities of Pakistan.

Aurat Foundation formed in 1986 is working enthusiastically for the rights of women. The head office is located in Islamabad. The organization has its own information and publication department that apprise the people the true realities women facing in Pakistan.


Given these facts, the Women in Pakistan do not possess their due rights guaranteed by the Constitution and Laws. The state is unable to protect the women from inhuman social customs prevalent in our society. The general population is mum over wicked practices being carried out on women; there is a great need of their voice against anti-women practices rather than forming laws over laws. The only need is to wake people of Pakistan for the Protection of Women Rights.





1. (information collected from different news, articles, opinion editorials)




